Excellence through Effort & Enjoyment
Be Kind…Be Safe…Be Responsible
Improvements to the front of the school - wet paint warning!
We have been very fortunate to have a team of 9 volunteers at school today. Co-ordinated by Amy MacHardie, a parent from Y3, all 9 work for Barclays and are volunteering here as part of their citizenship scheme.
They have kindly carried out the following maintenance jobs for us:
- Sanded and painted the drainpipes outside classes 3 to 6
- Repaired, sanded and painted the fence and gates
- Removed a fence panel, to allow parents access from KS2 to the playground gate
- Repainted the yellow lines leading to each classroom
- Repainted the yellow lines demarcating the classroom steps
- Painted the railings
- Planted new hanging baskets
- Replanted the planters by the front door.
A word of warning - there will still be wet paint at pickup time, please do take care and ensure your children avoid any newly painted areas.
Huge thanks to Amy and the team!
Mary James
Head Teacher