Curriculum Intent 

The curriculum at Boughton is the entirety of the children's learning experiences and opportunities; with the children, we have defined it as: "Everything we learn at school".

Our curriculum is designed to:

  • Recognise children's prior learning;
  • Help children make progress in line with their starting points;
  • Provide first-hand learning experiences;
  • Allow children to develop their character strengths;
  • Ready all children for their next stage of education.

From this page you can view the curriculum that your child is following every year in their class, along with the Primary National Curriculum. We hope this will help you support your child, at home, with their learning.

From Years 1 to 6, children are set homework through Mathletics, Times Table Rock Stars and reading.  Class teachers are happy to talk through any element of the children's learning; parents can contact them directly via Tapestry (Reception and Key Stage One) or gmail (all teachers).