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Excellence through Effort & Enjoyment
Be Kind…Be Safe…Be Responsible

Choir - Christingle reminder

I am looking forward to our special choir performance at tomorrow morning's Christingle service.

A reminder of the arrangements:

- arrival at 9.15a.m. for a 9.30a.m. start (I will be there from 9.00a.m.)

- wear Christmas jumpers/special outfits (non-uniform)

Years 4, 5 & 6 will sit in the altar pews.

Years R to 3 will sit in the church pews.  If any younger children preferred to sit with their families, that would be absolutely fine.

I'll be there to guide the children to where they sat when we practised.

The service will last around 45 minutes and there will be refreshments in the church rooms afterwards.

See you in the morning.

Mary James

Head Teacher