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Excellence through Effort & Enjoyment
Be Kind…Be Safe…Be Responsible

A-B Week Poster Competition

This morning in assembly the children have been told about an exciting competition we are having in school during Anti-Bullying week.  We would like them to make a poster encouraging children to reach out and ask for help if they are feeling upset, worried or scared.  We talked about all the different people who can help us e.g. teachers, lunchtime supervisors, Anti-Bullying ambassadors, Child Line etc.  The winning posters will be displayed in different areas of our schools and will be published on our website.  We will be looking for posters for three different areas of our school:  Reception/ Year 1, Years 2,3 & 4 and the Year 5/6 area.  We also discussed how these posters would have to be different, depending on who was going to be reading and understanding them.

The poster competition will be open until Monday morning and children can work on these at home, with adult help if they want!  They should be A4 and given in to their class teacher.  They also can be done digitally and emailed to your child's teacher if you prefer.  Each child could make three posters if they wanted to enter one for each area.  There will be house points awarded for every entry and more for the winners.  Good luck and have fun!