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Excellence through Effort & Enjoyment
Be Kind…Be Safe…Be Responsible

Last call for choir!

Thank you very much to all the parents who have completed the choir registration form for their child.

I have over 50 children across the school who have registered, which is fantastic.  There is no restriction on numbers, anyone who likes to sing is welcome.

The final deadline for forms to be completed is Friday 18th November at 10a.m.  After that the form will be closed and I will not be able to accept any further registrations.

The upcoming events for the choir are:

Friday 2nd December - School Christmas Fayre

Sunday 4th December - Boughton Church Christingle

Wednesday 7th December - Village Hall Coffee Morning

Children in years 2 to 6 who have shown an interest in joining the choir, by attending the lunchtime rehearsals, have been given a letter with a QR code.  Parents just need to scan the code in order to complete the form.  

The list of children already registered is below:

Reception: Lily, Lucas, Amelie, Eliza, Teddie, Alyssia-Rose, Rex, Rowan, Elouise, Esme

Year 1: Zara, Isabella, Harriet, Aoife, Emily, Oscar, Molly, Freya, Leo, Danny, Lauree, Kimberley, Jack

Year 2: Louis, Isla, Lottie, August, Paige, Hollie, Woody, Jasleen, Joseph, Theo, Ava-Rose, Teddy, Anna, Mimi, Teddy, Mason

Year 3: Edith C, Martha, Matilda, Amelie, Edith F, Brianna

Year 4: Phoebe, Jacob, Lenae, Charlotte, Mia

Year 5: Molly, Elize, Hayley, Tommy, Evelyn, Paige, Ava

Year 6: Megan

The link to the Microsoft form is below.  Please complete this as soon as possible, to secure your child's place and to help me to plan for the various events we will be attending.

Yours sing-cerely,

Mary James

Head Teacher and choir leader