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Excellence through Effort & Enjoyment
Be Kind…Be Safe…Be Responsible

New Class Zoom Meeting

Your child(ren)'s new teacher would like to invite you to a welcome Zoom meeting.

These Zooms will be a chance for the teacher to introduce themselves and their class to parents. 

You will receive an email with the class Zoom code at the start of next week. 

The Zoom meetings will take place at these times for:

Year1 - Tuesday 13th Sept at 5pm

Year2 - Tuesday 13th Sept at 6pm

Year3 - Monday 12th Sept at 5pm

Year4 - Monday 12th Sept at 6pm

Year5 - Thursday 15th Sept 5pm

Year6 - Wednesday 14th Sept 6pm

In place of a Zoom meeting new Reception parents have been invited to Stay and Play sessions where they will have the chance to have a one-to-one conversation with the class teacher.