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Excellence through Effort & Enjoyment
Be Kind…Be Safe…Be Responsible

Sports Day Details

Wednesday, 13th July we are inviting parents in to school to be audience to the afternoon of our Sports Day.

The weather is currently looking to cool down on Wednesday. It will still however be warm and sunny and children will therefore need sun hats, sunscreen and a water bottle in school. 

We will open the side gate (where Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children enter school) at 1:15pm for a 1:30pm start to races. This gate will then be closed at 1:45pm and any adults who need to leave or enter the school site will need to go to the school office. All adults will be looking after or setting up races for the children. 

Adults are welcome to bring with them, a chair or picnic blanket. They may also bring small gazeboes for shade as we can not guarantee shade for adults. 

We look forward to inviting parents into school again.