BSA Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Boughton School Association (BSA) will be held at school on Wednesday 8th June 2022, at 6.30p.m. in the school hall. Doors open at 6.15p.m. and refreshments will be served, before the meeting commences at 6.30p.m.
All parents and grandparents are welcome to attend.
The AGM is the opportunity for parents or grandparents to stand for election to the BSA Committee, until next year's AGM in March 2023. Ordinarily the positions are elected every March but Covid restrictions and closures have meant there hasn't been the opportunity for an AGM since March 2019. All parents and grandparents are welcome.
Please reply to the invitation which you will receive from your child/ren, by Friday May 27th 2022.
A copy is attached for your information.
Every child who returns a form will earn 100 house points. The class with the most parents/grandparents attending will win a mufti day and all attendees will be entered into a prize draw to win a free ticket for their child/ren to an event in the next school year (e.g. a disco or film night).
At the meeting, after reviewing previous activities and election of officers, we will confirm events for the remainder of this academic year, and begin to shape plans for 2022-2023.
Please do attend if you can. It's an exciting chance to be part of a new chapter for our BSA.
Mary James
Head Teacher