Year 4 Activities
Hi Year 4! Hope everyone is well and feeling good. It was great to get your pictures last week, please keep them coming to It can be pictures of what you have been doing, or I would love to see you spotting some signs of Spring.
I was so impressed to see that all of you have attempted some of the Fractions work on Mathletics. Well done! I have left it up for anyone who hasn't finished or anyone who wants to go back over it again.
This week I am taking us right back to September and putting up some work on Roman Numerals. In Year 4 the expectation is that you can read and write any number up to 100. I have opened up that bit of Mathletics again and there are some practice and discussion questions attached.
Our spellings this week come from the "sign" and "solv" family so all words are linked to one of those origins. The powerpoint will explain further and make sure you look up the definitions if you're not sure. There's a sheet for you to practice the words and your Kinetic Letters at the same time.
Lastly, I have included a Spring Comprehension activity. It has three levels of challenge for you to choose from, which you can see from the stars at the bottom of the page and the answers will be there too.
Hopefully that should keep you going! Remember these are just suggested activities to do if you are well and able. Most importantly keep reading, practising your times tables and stay happy and healthy.