In History we have been learning about who the Romans were and how their empire became so successful, eventually reaching Britain. The children learned five different reasons why the Roman Army were so successful, with one of those reasons being their battle formations. Watch below to se...
On Friday Year 4 children went out onto the field for an invertebrate hunt. We used classification keys to help us identify the different creatures we found. There were a lot on the field!
This morning Year 4 enjoyed a lovely walk in the sunshine to Reynard Way Church where they listened attentively to a presentation all about the acts of the apostles. The children all took part in a quiz and got to sample some snacks from Biblical times. It was a lovely morning!
Over the last few weeks Year 4 have been learning how to code using Scratch. They have been creating animations using lots of different coding blocks, de-bugging and sharing their work on our private Year 4 Scratch studio.
Last Wednesday, Miss Goodman and Mr Wilson accompanied 20 Year 3 & 4 children to a sports hall athletics tournament at Moulton Secondary School.
The children, as always, were sensible and embodied our school values whilst representing Boughton Primary School.
Through hard work, commitment...