End of Week Update 01/05
Another super busy week with so many different activities! Take a look at what these children have been up to!
Albie has designed his own superhero, created and decorated a homemade wind chime and completed a nature hunt!
Tommy has been earning lots of points on Mathletics, has done some division number sentences and even practised his 8 times table! Tommy has also continued learning about the planets.
Florence has been cleaning her scooters, taking part in a modern dance class, completed an Easter egg hunt and made her very own tutu! Florence has also created a restaurant, taken part in a zoom quiz dressed as clown with her tutu and has done some art! Florence has even created her own bug habitat and has done some modelling with playdough! And to top it all off Florence has learnt to ride her bike without stabilisers - well done Floss!