Staggered Pick-Up Times - adjustments from tomorrow (3rd November 2020)
We are making some adjustments to the collection times across the school.
These are being made in response to our Parents' Survey, which identified the clear dangers facing parents/carers and children waiting on Moulton Lane to collect children from our KS2 classrooms.
The changes are timely and needed, particularly as we begin a second lockdown; as a school, we must do all we can to help everyone to manage social distancing at home time. Most importantly, we need to ensure we are keeping all of our Boughton families safe.
The PowerPoint below clarifies the main changes but the headlines are as follows:
- Reception, Y1 and Y2 collection will move to 3.10p.m.
- KS2 collection - siblings of children in R/1/2 - 3.15p.m.
- Waiting areas allocated within the front car park for parents/carers with younger children
- KS2 collection - all others - 3.20p.m. to 3.30p.m.
- Only one parent/carer to collect
- Parents/carers to wear masks unless medically exempt
- Families need to vacate the site as soon as all their children are safely collected.
Please have a good look at the PowerPoint, in order to familiarise yourselves with the arrangements, which will commence tomorrow (Tuesday 3rd November 2020).
The morning arrangements remain unchanged.
Thank you to all our parents and carers for helping the staff to keep our Boughton families safe.
Mary James
Head Teacher